subject to laws
- 受法律约束的

The object is real , and the real is subject to laws , and that is that .
They point out that all investments , whether vetted by the Cfius or not , are subject to laws in areas including security , antitrust and environmental compliance .
And the news media are almost always subject to laws of general applicability & that is , laws that apply to everyone but that do not single out the press for special obligations or punishment .
To history the recognition of the free wills of men as forces able to influence historical events , that is , not subject to laws , is the same as would be to astronomy the recognition of free will in the movements of the heavenly bodies .
While in this country you are subject to its laws .
Foreign citizens in China are subject to Chinese laws .
We are subject to the laws of the country .
For the next 40 years debtors were subject to state laws .
A free will and a will subject to moral laws are one and the same .
As a diplomat , he is not subject to local laws .
British companies are subject to international laws and the same applies to companies in Europe .
Everybody is subject to the laws .
Every state in our Union is subject to the laws and Constitution of the United States including California .
She was subject to the laws of the universe just as inexorably as he was .
Between these poles is a lot of activity deemed standard by some , repugnant by others & and which is increasingly subject to new laws .
Indeed , it won its own case against another company producing a version of the stool on the basis that the design was subject to licensing laws .
Interest rates , exchange rates , insurance premium rates , securities and futures prices shall be subject to related laws or administrative decrees instead of this law .
Man , considered as a creature , must necessarily be subject to the laws of his creator , for he is entirely a dependent being .
Second , the criteria of review are usually self-made or subject to the laws made by the legislations themselves and thus their constitutionality cannot be guaranteed .
However , these scholars are from big cultural history perspective on this historical period is analyzed and explained , and subject to the laws of art itself to a cognitive approach .
Subject to applicable laws and regulations , the parties plan to make no further statement about these discussions until they are terminated , or until a definitive agreement is reached .
Suppliers should not require in excess of a60-hour work week on a regularly scheduled basis , and any such work week shall be subject to the laws regarding the payment of overtime .
A butterfly is much more free than a bee ; but you honor the bee more , just because it is subject to certain laws which fit it for orderly function in bee society .
Us tech companies argue that it would be unfair for them to be subject to EU laws that are too stringent and could result in expensive administrative burdens and hefty fines for errant companies .
The banks have justifies their extravagant spending in the belief that , while such onshore services would be fully transparent and subject to the laws of the host country , the Swiss banks ' image and reputation would create a worthwhile client base .
However , the general meeting of shareholders may remove any director before the expiration of the term of office in the form of ordinary resolution subject to the laws and administrative regulations , but the claim or demand in accordance with any contract is not affected .
Its made of ordinary stuff subject to the same laws .
Subject to the Relevant Laws and Regulations of the PRC .
The scheme is voluntary and the information stored will be subject to data protection laws .
From both maturity to death , a wave is subject to the same laws as any other'living'thing .